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Babewatch Crew
Babewatch Crew
Welcome! We are Babewatch, an ocean swimming group that brings people together to be active, have fun and be social.
- First and foremost, we want to get young people into ocean swimming. There are numerous ocean swimming groups around Sydney, but they are predominantly made up of an older demographic. We are trying to create a community in which young people have like-minded people to reap the benefits of ocean swimming with.
- Along with this, we have 8 targeted ocean swims starting with Bilgola on December 10 which we will be making an appearance at. Here is a nice article for reading about the joys of ocean swimming which we are hoping to share with y'all-
Fundraising and mental health awareness.
- We have chosen to partner with a Sydney based charity named batyr, which is “a for purpose organisation that aims to engage, educate and empower young people to have positive conversations about mental health”. 1 in every 6 young people will be suffering with a mental health issue in silence due to stigma, and we believe that the work that batyr does will have a positive impact in getting young people to seek the help that they need.
- With 1 in 4 people experiencing a mental illness at any one time, we believe that this is a cause that affects all of us, whether directly or indirectly through friends/family. We will have more information in the coming weeks about our fundraising and we hope that you are as excited about this as we are.
Despite 1 in 4 young people suffering a mental health issue by the end of adolescence, mental health issues are not openly discussed and remain the ‘elephant in the room’. Of every 30 students in Australia, seven will be dealing with a mental health issue, yet only two will reach out for support, leaving five suffering in silence. Sadly, most young people dealing with mental health issues do not reach out for help, largely due to stigma. batyr is a for purpose preventative mental health organisation, created and driven by young people, for young people.
We reduce the stigma surrounding mental ill health and empower young people to reach out for support. We help create communities that support young people’s mental health and wellbeing. batyr's vision is a world where all young people are engaged in positive conversations about mental health and empowered to reach out for support when needed. We do this by engaging young peopleto talk about mental health and wellbeing. Educating through the sharing of young people’s lived experience stories and empowering young people by giving them the knowledge and skills to lead mentally healthy lives.